We Don't Need To Self-Improve. We Need To Blossom.
/You are not defective.
You are not broken.
You are not bad.
“Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit there from.” (Baha'u'llah)
Yes, you are a mine of precious gems – and many of them are still hidden deep inside your heart and spirit.
When we run into challenges or problems, from relationship issues to career setbacks, from money worries to health crises, we might wonder what’s going on with us, especially when we notice patterns in our behavior or in the issues we face.
We’re not defective, broken or bad. We’re good - we’re perfectly fine actually. Our true self, our true nature, is good just as it is. But just like a seed is meant to grow into a plant, just like a bud is meant to blossom into a flower, we human beings are meant to unfold and reveal our hidden gems. The seed or the bud don’t need to “self-improve”, they simply need to be in the proper conditions to do what they are meant to do.
And as the quote above states it, education is key in our journey of growth.
Problem is, education as currently provided in the school system in ineffective to equip us for this beautiful journey of self-discovery and unfolding. As kids and teens, we spend hours memorizing useless facts instead of leaning about our self and our true nature, our nervous system and how to heal pain, how to get in touch with our inner joy and discover our life purpose.
We need to learn about how to ground and center ourselves, how to listen to the messages of our feelings and intuition, and how to communicate from a place of respect of self and others.
The good news is that it’s never too late; we can embark on this journey any time we feel call to.
Every challenge we face is an invitation from life itself to mine our precious gems. It’s the stuff around the gems that creates problems; when we remove all those unnecessary defenses, our precious inner gifts and resources are revealed and we can use them to resolve problems, prevent new ones, and most importantly connect to our life purpose and grow into the person we are meant to be.