Got Dopamine?
/Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that makes us feel energized and motivated. We need enough of it to feel good and function well in life. When we have unresolved pain or trauma, or simply tend to be overwhelmed on a regular basis, we will feel the need for more dopamine to feel better. At that point we will be more likely to turn to substances and habits to get extra “dopamine hits”, such as sugary foods, alcohol, compulsive shopping, binging on TV shows, and perhaps even stronger drugs or really unhealthy habits. We absolutely need dopamine, and we will do anything to get it even if the long-term consequences of those habits are not good.
How can we get enough dopamine in healthy ways?
In addition to working at healing old pain and trauma, and avoiding or recovering from burn out, a great way to keep our biology in equilibrium is by engaging in activities that naturally increase our dopamine, and doing this a few times per day.
What do you enjoy doing that that brings you pleasure, motivation and a sense of reward, while being healthy and positive in the long-term as well? Do more of that!
Here are a few ideas to check out:
Eating foods high in protein
Exercising regularly (it does not have to be super intense)
Spending some time in the sun
Listening to music
Getting enough sleep at night
And with that said, too much of a good thing - or at the wrong time of the day - can cause problems. You don’t want high dopamine levels at night when you’d like to fall asleep. Make sure to engage in your dopamine-inducing activities earlier in the day, when high energy and motivation are the most desirable. As the day turns into the evening, calming activities boosting relaxation-inducing neurotransmitters are more useful.
By taking good care of your nervous system, you will feel more at ease and more able to get to the next stage in your life.